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Stock Purchase Agreement

Offering Circular       Edgar Link        PDF Download

     An offering statement pursuant to Regulation A relating to these securities has been filed with the Securities and Exchange commission and qualified on September 1, 2016.   This Offering Circular shall not constitute and offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor may there be any sales of these securities in any state in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful before registration or qualification under the laws of any such state.  We may elect to satisfy our obligation to deliver a Final Offering Circular by sending you a notice within two business days after completion of our sale to you that contains the URL where the Final Offering Circular or the offering statement in which such Final Offering Circular was filed may be obtained.  

     This form allows you to enter into a binding Stock Purchase Agreement to purchase common shares of BioSculpture Technology, Inc.'s Tier 2 Regulation A Offering in which 1,428,571 common shares  are being offered for $3.50 per share.  Shares shall be sold only in even lots of 100 shares with an Offering Share Price of $3.50/share.   The minimum investment shall be for a minimum of 200 shares or $700.00 USD minimum.   Fill in your desired share order in the Stock Purchase Agreement Form below, 200 shares or greater, and the calculate button will automatically  give you the dollar value of your desired share purchase.  

     Unless an Investor represents they are an Accredited Investor, they may invest no more than 10% of the greater of their  annual income together with their spouse or their net worth together with their spouse excluding the value of the person’s primary residence and any loans secured by the residence (up to the value of the residence).  Accredited Investors are not bound by that limitation.  There is an affirmation below to that effect.   

     No offer to sell securities or solicitation of an offer to buy securities is being made in any state where such offer or sale is not permitted under the blue sky or state securities laws thereof. No Offering is being made to individual investors unless and until the Offering has been registered in that state or an exemption from registration exists. BioSculpture Technology, Inc. intends to complete an Offering under Tier 2 of Regulation A and as such intends to be exempted from state registration pursuant to federal law. Although an exemption from registration under state law may be available, BioSculpture Technology, Inc. may still be required to provide a notice filing and pay a fee in individual states.

    Please note that BioSculpture Technology, Inc. reserves the right to refuse to accept any Offer to Purchase its Shares in its sole and absolute discretion and to terminate its Offering before, during or only when all of the shares of this Offering have been sold.   Regardless of when you fill out the the Stock Purchase Agreement, your holding period will begin only upon actual receipt of funds by cleared check or wire transfer into the Company Bank Account.  At that time, our transfer agent, VStock Transfer, LLC will be immediately notified and your shares entered in book entry form unless you notify them to transfer them to your broker or deliver paper certificates to you.    


Payment Options




Wire Transfer

Att: Robert L. Cucin MD, CEO (561) 651-7808 Wire transfer instructions to be 
BioSculpture Technology, Inc. provided to confirmed E-mail address
1701 South Flagler Drive at recorded IP of purchaser after
Suite 607 execution of stock purchase
West Palm Beach, FL 33401 agreement.


     If you have difficulty submitting the above form in your browser or prefer you can download a PDF fillable form and submit it by E-mail or FAX.  



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Last modified: September 29, 2016