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            BioSculpture Technology, Inc. (“BST”) is a commercial stage medical device company with lead products targeting liposuction markets with superior technologies.  BST’s Corporate Mission is to unleash the artist in the surgeon® and be a world leading manufacturer and developer of medical devices and procedures for handling fat targeting:  

·                    the liposuction and body sculpting market;

·                    the bariatric market; and

·                    fat autograft and adipocyte-derived stem cell processing markets.  

            Airbrush® Liposculptor II, has already received FDA 510(k) clearance, and its electric version, Airbrush® Liposculptor IIE  with expected 510(k) clearance in the fourth quarter of 2012, show case BioSculpture’s Large Volume Liposuction (“LVL”) capability and both feature Twin Cannula Assisted Liposuction (“TCAL”).  TCAL advantages include:  

·                    Adjustable reciprocation stroke (0 - 2”)

·                    Eliminates the surgeon’s need to stroke the cannula, saving labor and time while improving consistency, and control, lessening the incidence of revisions.

·                    Less vibration since outer cannula is stationary.

·                    Gentler-by-design on both surgeon and patient as inner cannula doesn’t traumatize patient since it is ensheathed in stationary outer one.

·                    Intellimotion® control of reciprocation using Digital Signal Processing and a closed feedback loop with the protection of magnetic rather than rigid coupling of cannula motion.  

            TCAL technology changes liposuction from a traditional operation of only inches to an operation of pounds allowing controlled and less labor intensive removal of more than 10 pounds in a single outpatient procedure.  

            Airbrush® Liposculptor IIIE  and Airbrush® integrated fat harvesting and reinjection consummables with expected 510(k) clearance in the last quarter of 2012 will target smaller volume reductions and patients wishing to treat their wrinkling and the effects of aging with their own tissue containing adipocyte-derived stem-cells rather than temporary fixes with injections of laboratory preparations.  

            BST was invited to present an update of its progress at Elsevier’s IN³ Medical Device 360° at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando Grande Lakes in Orlando , Florida and it will be doing so on Friday, March 2, 2012.  

            Aggressively attacking “belly fat’, with its Cinch It™ promotional incentives to qualified surgeons, BST is currently selling products which allow improvement of the Waist-to-Hips Ratio (“WHR”) associated with metabolic syndrome, an increased incidence of coronary heart disease. and Type II Diabetes Mellitus by removing fat outside the abdomen with TCAL LVL.  BST is also developing fourth generation twin cannula devices which will permit endoscopically guided, safe laparoscopic removal of the even more harmful visceral fat within the abdomen  in a minimally invasive fashion (Endoscopic Visceral Lipectomy or “EVL”).  On January 20, 2012, BST received Notice of Allowance of  U.S. Patent Application #12/462,596 filed on 8/5/09 and titled "Endoscopically-guided tissue aspiration system for safely removing fat tissue from a patient."  

            BST has the TCAL manufacturing know-how reflected by 15 issued patents and the proprietary technology acquired from $1.3 Million Dollars expended to research and develop closed-loop feedback control systems, connectors, cannulas, environmentally sealed components, a specialized computer controller, tight tolerance designs, molds, circuit boards, and Intellimotion® software to implement TCAL seamlessly.  

            BST now has numerous pipeline products under development and 21 pending international and U.S. patent applications with claims relating to:  

·                    Improved TCAL designs for more efficient aspiration.

·                    Synchronization of tumescence and optimization of bipolar cautery with aspiration.

·                    Collection, concentration, processing, and reinjecting syringes and in-line chambers and methods.

·                    Endoscopic fat removal devices and methods for treating abdominal obesity, metabolic syndrome, and Type II Diabetes Mellitus.

·                    An internet-based network supporting the harvesting, photoactivation, cataloguing, tracking, and managing of aspirated fat tissue samples including stem cells.

·                    Device and method for photo-activating an aspirated sample of tissue within a tissue collection and processing system.  

            BST has engaged the Maxim Group as investment bankers to facilitate a private placement of $10 Million Dollars of its equity for the company’s expansion.   

            You can view some of BST’s product offerings, read a white paper discussing clinical results, view a surgical video of them in use and see illustrative animations of twin cannula reciprocation and the Airbrush® Liposculptor II on the company website. 




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Last modified: September 04, 2013