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Revolutionary Power Assisted Liposuction Device is More Gentle by Design ¨


AirbrushÒ Liposculptor II


  BioSculpture Technology, Inc. announces the availability of the of our patented¨ Airbrush LiposculptureÒ System based on our intrinsically safer and gentler twin-cannula design which allows fast, effortless, less traumatic, and more precise fat removal. 

It unleashes the artist in the surgeonÒ, allowing the surgeon to continually adapt the speed and stroke of the liposuction cannula to achieve the desired artistic result

A streamlined, air-driven, power-assisted, twin-cannula liposuction device, the AirbrushÒ Liposculptor, eliminates the physical labor of the procedure and allows the surgeon to concentrate on smooth and even fat removal and feathering.   

By eliminating the battering ram effect of a reciprocating cannula on the patient, the patented¨ twin cannula system lessens tissue trauma and can reduce bruising, bleeding, swelling and can shorten convalescence.

An advanced, solid state digital signal processor Intellimotion Control Console allows intelligent and responsive functioning with the surgeon able to continuously vary stroke over a wide range.


The Airbrush Liposculpture ÒSystem was independently tested and received  FDA pre-market clearance for sale under 510(k) 031881.    You can learn more by browsing an Overview of Airbrush Liposuction.


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"tube-within-a tube"

twin-cannula design¨


¨Protected by U.S. Patents 5,112,302; 5,348,535;  5,643,198;  5,795,323;  6,346,107;  6,394,973;   6,652,522; 6,761,701; 6,872,199; 7,112,200; EPO 94306845.2; and multiple other patents pending.






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Last modified: August 18, 2010